Financial Information Quality as a Priority

Organizations, big and small, live or die by the quality of the financial information they use to make decisions.  And technology hasn’t really changed this – there’s just more data that often brings no better insight into what drives an organization’s success.  I’ve seen a lot of “garbage in-garbage out” scenarios.

Delivering clear financial information, tailored for the audience making decisions, can seem time-consuming, so it sinks on the priority list.  What is needed is a fresh eye that can look at how resources – both cash and human – are used and find ways to simplify processes and information flow to enhance insight and accelerate decisions.


Ø      Accounting staff training/coaching
Ø      Accounting process automation
Ø      Board financial governance training
Ø      Board financial package design
Ø      Budget development
Ø      Cash flow analysis – with focus on cash flow timing
Ø      Chart of accounts configuration
Ø      Financial & accounting policy development
Ø      Financial projections
Ø      Income/expense matching
Ø      Long-term financial planning
Ø      Program/product costing
Ø      Risk /sensitivity analysis

My approach is customized to the particular needs of the leader because there is no single right way to manage the accounting and finances of a small organization.  What works best differs between organizations, but the common thread is it must be executable and sustainable.  Often times the “perfect” system is the simplest.

Jennifer Knebel